Right Site Weather May 12, 2024
Paragliding Weather Forecast for the Vancouver, Chilliwack, Bellingham, Seattle, Whistler & Pemberton area, based on data available at 0500.
High pressure with mostly sunny skies throughout.
YVR 3000 ft winds aloft W to 28 km/hr. Vancouver Valley wind gusty NNW to 30 km/hr early easing around noon. Chillwack valley wind gusting SW to 20mkm/hr from noon onward.
SEA 3000 ft winds aloft light and variable becoming N to 20 km/hr. Valley winds NW to 10 km/hr.
iParaglide Right Site Ranking:
1. Paragliding Vancouver: -2.4C/1000ft Intermediate peak lapse rate. Wait for strong west winds aloft to subside, Grouse for GMFT 1400-1900 for P3 to P4 pilots. Chances for paragliding 90%.
2. Paragliding Bellingham: -2.1C/1000ft Novice peak lapse rate. Watch for possible building north winds aloft late in the day. Blanchard for P2 pilots 0900-1700. Chances to paraglide 90% early, 60% late.
3. Paragliding Seattle: -2.5C/1000ft Intermediate peak lapse rate. Tiger for P2 pilots 0900-1200 then watch for increasing lapse rate to P3 conditions followed by increasing north winds aloft leading to rough lee side conditions and shutting things down late int h day. Prospects for paragliding early 90%, late 30%.
4. Paragliding Chilliwack: -3.2C/1000ft Advanced peak lapse rate. Woodside for P4 Advanced pilots only. Watch for strong west wind aloft and advanced lapse rate then arrival of gusty sea breeze at noon and possible blown out conditions. Choose to fly or not accordingly.
5. Paragliding Pemberton: -4.0C/1000ft XXX peak lapse rate. Mt. Mckenzie for P4 to XXX pilots only due to XXX lapse rate today. Possible arrival of Whislter Express 1400 onward may further complicate things. Choose to fly or not accordingly.
6. Paragliding Whistler: -4.2C/1000ft XXX peak lapse rate. Watch for extreme lapse rate and arrival of Whistler Express S wind. Paragliding not recommended today.
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