Right Site Weather Apr 27, 2024
Paragliding Weather Forecast for the Vancouver, Chilliwack, Bellingham, Seattle, Whistler & Pemberton area, based on data available at 0700.
Low pressure pressure with to with strong valley winds and winds aloft and rain throughout.
YVR 3000 ft winds aloft SW to 25 km/hr becoming SE to 40 km/hr. Valley winds to gusting to 30 km/hr. light and variable. Novice Peak Lapse Rate at -2.3C/1000ft.
SEA 3000 ft winds aloft SW to 54 km/hr. Valley winds SSW to 20 km/hr. Intermediate Peak Lapse Rate at -2.4C/1000ft.
iParaglide Right Site Ranking:
Paragliding is not recommended today with rain and strong winds throughout in Chilliwack, Vancouver and Pemberton, Bellingham and Seattle
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