7) Paragliding Books
iParaglide reads the latest paragliding books and updates this list of recommended material. Only the finest paragliding books have been selected.
Dennis Pagen brings the definitive "how to" paraglide book in the Art of Paragliding. Order Here. Recommended companion book for iP1.5 Student to iP2 Novice paraglider pilots. Well illustrated, filled with drawings showing details and photos.
Understanding the Sky by Dennis Pagen is a paragliding pilots' must read to understand the invisible medium that allows free flight. Order Here. Paramount for paragliding safety to decide when to fly or not and also for performance to understand sources of lift. Essential reading for iP2 Novice to iP4 Advanced paraglider pilots. Recommended companion book for our iP2 Novice Paraglider Pilot Certification.
Burkhard Martens exceptional use of modern graphics and photographic overlays give a comprehensive, easily understood, highly visual guide to paragliding concepts that are difficult to explain textually. Order Here. Thermal Flying will aid you in your quest to soar and thermal as you progress as a iP3 Intermediate or iP4 Advanced paraglider pilot. Recommended reading for our iP3 Intermediate Paraglider Pilot Certification.
Acro legends: Mike Kung, Alexander Meschuh Michael Nesler and Gundrun Ochsl combine talents in syncro as the "Professional Flying Team" to bring you Acrobatics: Paragliding Secrets: the "Bible" on how to acro and do it on a safe progression. Order Here. Ideal book for once you are a seasoned advanced iP4 pilot, flying hundreds of hours per year, ready to embark on the ultimate level of paragliding. Recommended reading for our iP4 Advanced Paraglider Certification.