Right Site Weather Jul 17, 2022
Paragliding Weather Forecast for the Vancouver, Chilliwack, Bellingham, Seattle, Whistler & Pemberton area, based on data available at 0500.
Low pressure with cloudy skies to rain.
YVR 3000 ft winds aloft NNW to 11 km/hr becoming WNW to 17 km/hr. Valley wind E outflow to 10 km/hr becoming W inflow to 20 km/hr in early afternoon. Advanced peak lapse rate -2.9C/1000ft.
SEA 3000 ft winds aloft light and variable becoming W to 11 km/hr. Valley winds light and variable becoming NW to 10 km/hr. Advanced peak lapse rate -3.0C/1000ft.
iParaglide Right Site Ranking:
1. Paragliding Seattle: -3.0C/1000ft Advanced peak lapse rate. Seattle further south and less affected by Low. Early cloud clearing in Seattle with sunny skies forecast. Tiger Mtn. for P2pilots 1000-1300 and 1800-2000 with P4 conditions 1300-1800. 70% chances to paraglide.
Paragliding not recommended today in Chilliwack, Vancouver, Pemberton, Whistler and Bellingham due to low clud base, scattered showers to rain and 40-60% POP. Pemberton with added risk of thunderstorm.