iParaglide Right Site Paragliding Weather Jan.3/11
Weather Synopsis for paraglider pilots. High pressure brings sunny skies. YVR winds aloft at 3000 ft forecast through to 22:00 as northwest at 13km/hr. Seattle winds aloft at 3000ft through 22:00, light and variable. Chilliwack ground station at 09:00 reporting gusty north east outflow winds to 40km/hr. Paragliding best bet at Blanchard followed by Mackenzie, followed by Woodside.
Vancouver: Lapse -0.7C/1000ft. Grouse seasonally closed to paragliding for winter. GMFT members only.
Chilliwack: Lapse -1.0. Wait for catabatic conditions and outflow to subside. Winds aloft favorable for establishment of anabatic flow in afternoon. Drive halfway up, chains recommended, and/or snowshoe/hike. Narrow window P2-P4 paragliding pilots 14:00-15:00.
Pemberton: Lapse +0.7 (inverted) . P2-P4 paraglider pilots, snowshoe and paraglide Mackenzie 13:00.
Bellingham: Lapse -0.7. Perfect day for paragliding Blanchard 12:00-15:00. Drive to first hump, stop and walk ahead to check for ice in depression, if so, park before that section of road. Hike the short distance (7 minutes) to launch. Best bet for P2-P4 paraglider pilots.